Rose Bouquet
Rose Bouquet
Introducing our exquisite "Rose Bouquet," a symbol of love, beauty, and timeless elegance. Each meticulously crafted bouquet is a stunning ensemble of carefully selected roses, delicately arranged to create a captivating floral masterpiece. With their velvety petals and captivating fragrance, roses have long been associated with romance and affection. Our Rose Bouquet showcases an enchanting array of soft pinks. Whether it's a gesture of love or a simple expression of admiration, our Rose Bouquet is the ideal choice to convey your emotions with grace and style. Be it for a special someone, wedding, or to bring a touch of elegance to your living space, our Rose Bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression and create a memory to cherish.
Quantity: 1
Size: Stem size - 6 Inches
Disclaimer: All items must be returned within a 5 days time frame. All damaged items will be automatically charged retail price (different from rental price). A late fee will also be implicated for late returns outside of the 5 days time frame. If you have any questions please send us an email.